Birthing families and their children faced significant challenges in America even before COVID. One positive sign since COVID’s arrival is how organizations, businesses, and community members are coming together to address some of the biggest challenges in the Maternal Child Health (MCH) sector, which include structural racism, an unacceptable Cesarean rate, and a myriad of breast/chestfeeding obstacles. For World Breastfeeding Week, Nurture continues our collaboration with CINCH’s #757Breastfeeds to provide Collective Impact training for community members and stakeholders operating in the MCH space. Learn more and register here

“Collective impact” describes an intentional way of working together and sharing information for the purpose of solving a complex problem. Breaking down silos and creating ways for stakeholders to work together is at the core of coalition work, and to do so, we need to bring multiple voices and sectors to the table. This training will walk participants through the key elements and infrastructures that make it successful by highlighting relevant case-studies. Participants will discuss best practices for collaboration and build skills for addressing common challenges.

Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:

1. Name the basic elements of the collective impact approach
2. Identify ways to apply the collective impact approach in their work
3. Build the skills needed to address common challenges

Register below for the Collective Impact Session on Thursday, August 5, 2021 9:30am to 12:30pm

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