R. Keith Bell is a licensed and nationally board certified acupuncturist with nearly two decades of experience practicing and teaching traditional and classical Chinese medicine. In 2000, Keith cofounded Oriental Medicine Specialists, Richmond VA’s first medical clinic to offer comprehensive holistic care utilizing both Classical and Traditional acupuncture techniques, herbal medicine and lifestyle-counseling. Best known for his expertise in Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine, Keith has helped countless women and their partners successfully conceive and maintain healthy pregnancies. In 2005 Keith introduced his Conscious Conceptions program to promote, educate, and provide a holistic and integrative approach to preconception planning, pregnancy and delivery, and post-partum care.
A sought after speaker and a nationally recognized expert in Holistic Health, Keith Bell is committed to providing education and inspiration through his writing and workshops. From 2005-2009 Keith worked extensively with James Madison University, developing and teaching new courses that brought holistic theory to the Schools of Nursing and Integrative Science and Technology. A frequent guest lecturer at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Medicine, Keith also welcomes Residents into his clinic, providing supervision and offering our next generation of Doctors firsthand experience with Holistic medicine. Keith also offers unique and practical continuing education for Doula’s and birthing assistants.