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On September 1st, Nurture arrived at the halfway point of our 2017 fiscal year. We thought it might be a good time to review what we’ve been up to and what we’ve accomplished during that time. Because we are a young nonprofit, reaching our goals requires creativity, collaboration, and pooling of resources. Through the support of generous donors and amazing volunteer and by “sistering” with other organizations, we were able to accomplish the following:

  • Collaborate with local government agencies to offer the RVA Breastfeeding Symposium with keynote speaker Kathy Parry, MPH, IBCLC of the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Public Health, providing training for 110 health and social service providers across 35 organizations in the use of a research-based breastfeeding education tool (April 2016);
  • Host the first annual Nurture RVA Birth & Baby Fair, which brought together expecting and new families with over 40 care providers, organizations, and businesses that serve families during this exciting and challenging life transition (May 2016);
  • Collaborate with the Richmond Health Action Alliance to co-sponsor #RVAbreastfeeds, a public awareness campaign promoting support for breastfeeding mothers (August 2016);
  • Move into a shared office space at 2219 West Main Street, creating a bridge to a home of our own as we continue to build the funding necessary for a permanent location with space for public programs (August 2016);
  • Collaborate with VCU School of Nursing in research studies exploring the effects of prenatal yoga on several health factors in pregnant women (ongoing);
  • Begin a year-long series of Cross-Sector Community Conversations for Maternal Health, bringing together stakeholders from various sectors to identify needs, gaps, and resources in RVA for maternal health (ongoing ). We hope that one outcome of this series will be to establish the partnerships necessary for a sustainable community doula program that can provide training for doulas from low income communities to serve women in those same communities.

We did all of this with an annual budget of under $25,000 and the passion, talent and determination of our amazing board and volunteers.

Just think of what we could do with a home of our own.

Your support moves us move closer to our goal of establishing Richmond’s first nonprofit resource center serving childbearing families, and allows us to continue grow our programs for this extremely important population – the parents who are bringing in the future generation.

Please consider a tax-deductible gift in any amount to help us achieve our vision of a city that truly supports its newest families.

Thank you so much for your support!

Leslie Lytle
Executive Director, Nurture


PS: Click the images below for insights into what people are experiencing in our prenatal and postpartum yoga programs.

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